Big Is The New Beautiful
Sometimes I feel life is always throwing obstacles one way or another. One obstacle is one that (not I) but others have had since I was in the 1st grade. Now let me explain something about myself. Ever since I was younger I was really skinny. I mean boney skinny, my parents were afraid I was going to have health problems. But then I started gaining weight and then it never stopped. I was always teased by kids all my life about my weight but after awhile I just didn't give a shit.
It has taken me years to understand that I am big, beautiful, and curvy and I love myself. If I want to loose weight its because I want to, not because of people telling me otherwise. There may be many guys out there who see me and think im disgusting but baby, you just don't know how beautiful I am in and out. If my singing voice doesn't catch you or that my passion doesn't snag at your heart then your a superficial freak and all I can say is, your just like everyone else and you will never know true love until that veil is lifted.
Curvy and Sexy since 1987.
Thank you Ryan for being a very beautiful person. God has made an outstanding person out of you.
It has taken me years to understand that I am big, beautiful, and curvy and I love myself. If I want to loose weight its because I want to, not because of people telling me otherwise. There may be many guys out there who see me and think im disgusting but baby, you just don't know how beautiful I am in and out. If my singing voice doesn't catch you or that my passion doesn't snag at your heart then your a superficial freak and all I can say is, your just like everyone else and you will never know true love until that veil is lifted.
Curvy and Sexy since 1987.
Thank you Ryan for being a very beautiful person. God has made an outstanding person out of you.

aww thank you buddy!
your awesome!
Yeah...I know what you're talking
about...Only mine was reverse...
I was ALWAYS getting picked on
because I was small and skinny...
Now I'm short and 'chubby' and
really don't care because I'm not
out to impress anybody....
I don't care what a person looks
like...They could be the most
breath taking person in the world
and then open their mouths and
You are so right when it comes to
what's INSIDE that really matters
in life...I'm glad you are you :)
From Ryan's Texas Mom!
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