Some Paths Are Just Confusing
Ok, today was not the best day for me. Not for the fact that I couldn't make it for my volunteer duties but just for the fact that my brain is decided to think too much. What I am trying to say is what if I got my GED? Do I go to school for my masters in librarian science just to have a backup plan or do I go to school for something I love. Like writing and singing. But do I pursue a path in the creative writing field or singing field just because they are the two things I love or do I stay safe and get a degree in a field where I can work and do the last two as hobbies. I just don't know anymore.
Research more about the curriculum of librarian science Ive come to the understanding that the position is confusing to me. Im getting alot of different ideas of the position so maybe I should just ask my library friend who recently got her degree. Or maybe I should go to an advisor and see about a possible career path. Because as of right now I am not even sure if I want to be a librarian. Would you pick a career just to be safe. Or would you do something that is your passion and not really have a career if that's where your passion leads you.
Some paths are just confusing.
Research more about the curriculum of librarian science Ive come to the understanding that the position is confusing to me. Im getting alot of different ideas of the position so maybe I should just ask my library friend who recently got her degree. Or maybe I should go to an advisor and see about a possible career path. Because as of right now I am not even sure if I want to be a librarian. Would you pick a career just to be safe. Or would you do something that is your passion and not really have a career if that's where your passion leads you.
Some paths are just confusing.

Life is a confussion my Angel....
For right now think of your GED...
DO go to college and at least take
the basics before you decide on
what you want to do...This way you
can focus more on your major and
if you want to double major you
can :) Don't fret to much over it
right now...It will all come
together for you when you're least
expecting it :)
i have 2 agree with laurie on this one hon one day at a time. just find something u like 2 do that makes u happy.
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