The Wondering Mind Of Mr. Me
This is probably the longest f&cking post I have every done! So be diligent and read on. lol (exactly 1141 words!)
Not so very much an eventful due to the fact that I felt like shit most of the morning. When I woke up this morning my dad told me he saw the poem I had wrote. I was like, what poem? He pulled out a paper I had forgot to put in my book bag when I left school. It was of my blog entry I did for Jan 9Th, the "Not So Here" entry. I had basically printed it out and did a watermark in the background, and edited it abit just to make it look nice because I wanted to keep it. Anyway he started telling me that him and my mom were trying not to cry because the poem was so damn good. Whats funny is that I was never going for a poem on Jan 9Th but in the end, it came out poetically how I felt. Which was cool cuz I wanted to hang it save it but didn't think my parents would get to it. Anywho my dad told me flat out that he wants me to know that he loves me no if ands or buts. I almost started crying because I woke up feeling like shit and having this talk just got me abit emotional. Then my mom started going on and on about how she felt and how she will always love me even if I am gay but she still wont accept that side to me. Halfsies for her. In any case they both stated that I should not feel alone because they love me. Yay for halfsies but its good enough, atleast for me.
Anywho so I decided on watching one of the movies I picked up at the library. When you don't have any money and you want some form of entertainment, your local library is your best bet. The library I volunteer at actually rents out DVDs and has a pretty good selection, even some movies just came out on DVD. By the way since I am talking about the library I might as well spill alittle library gossip. I don't know if I said this in the last post but last week when I was at the library volunteering I heard something outright funny. This guy who works there was talking to another librarian about going to this bar/club called "Bo's Coral Reef" and said he was going there to pick up chicks. R I G H T! Everyone who knows about the different clubs in Jacksonville knows that Bo's is a gay club, hands down. Why would a straight man be going to Bo's to pick up girls when he would have a better selection at a gay bar. Now I'm not ragging on him for this I just thought it was funny he picked that place out of the many other places he could have gone but oh well. I just smiled and tried not to laugh or say anything. Then I heard the other librarian say she was going also.
Now I don't like to judge people but the first time I met this girl she was either very very shy and liked to look like a boy or she was gay. Id be happy if everyone would just confess and we could all break the ice lol. But Ive got my eye on two people at the library who may or may not be gay or bi to say the least. Kinda cool that I was able to spot them. Because conversation there is a bitch.
Oh! And also yesterday when I was checking out my DVDs there was one DVD I couldn't check out because it had holds on it. So I went in line and waited for the next teller when this other librarian women asked why I was in line when I had already checked out my DVDs. This lady, in my opinion, is either a real bitch or I don't know what. The reason why I say this is because every time she talks to me its like shes talking down on me, like shes better then me or something. I can read people very easy, its been something Ive been able to do since I was young. I don't know if she is lonely or bitter but she just screams bitch. At one time I was talking to another librarian about a career path as a librarian. Meanie was checking out my books when she stopped and turned to the librarian and gave her a mean look like "go back to work" when the librarian was only answering my damn question. I felt like snapping my finger at her saying," Hey, if you wanna give someone the stink eye give it to me because I asked a damn question." But I am not rude like that unless someone is being a complete assholes... then my big mouth opens lol.
Anyway the best thing I can do for her is just be nice and try different ways to cheer her up. Ive heard her singing and humming to herself a couple of times so maybe shes just bitter... I don't know. I feel like asking her what the hell is wrong with her but its none of my business. She even has this really nasty mark on her lower lip that looks like a bruise *its been there for about 2 or 3 months*. So maybe somethings going on at home... I don't know. I just feel I should talk to her but I don't think that will work since I am an unpaid volunteer and shes a librarian. In that place its like child speaking to an adult, atleast that's the vibe I get from her. Thank god I'm not like the other staff members who are scared of her. And thank god I'm not afraid of anything...OK that's a lie but I'm only human.
Moving on, halfway done with the movie, ideas for future books started pouring through my head like water. I ran and got a pen and paper to write them down. Got like 15 ideas which is great lol. I haven't wrote anything in awhile but sooner or later I will get back to writing my book. I did tell you I was writing a book? Yup, Ive got like 13 chapters done (I have like 64,000 words down so far). In anycase I am really enjoying the process and taking it slow since this is my first book. Anywho that's about it right now. Oh damn I forgot the movie I was watching is not really a movie its actually a TV show "Firefly". I'm a big fan of Joss Wheadons work.
Later Peeps,

My Sweet Angel...
I think BITCHY needs to get laid...
You really should find out if
something is going on at home...
OOOO!!!A BOOK!!!! What kinda book?
I wanna read it :)
FIREFLY....I've heard of that...
Don't knows if I ever watched it...
I'll check it out :)
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