The Fustrated N The Bitchy
Hey peeps!
Well I decided to go to a tech support forums *free of charge* and spoke to someone about my problem. The guy told me what to do and the computer turned on *YaY!*...for about 3-5 mins *NO!*. The guy thinks it may be the power supply since the power supply for that computer is weak known to fail after a few years. Another guy says it could be the graphics card but I don't think thats what it is. I'm not really frustrated any more about my computer. More or less I am just waiting to hear from the guy and find a way to fix the damn thing so I can use it. Its alot more faster then the one im using now and it has a dvd drive and burning technology for both dvd & cdr/rw *Woot woot*. hehe. Thanks for my little lady for trying.
Ok onward to my weekend. Friday I didnt do anything, at all. OH but we did have pizza, that was my highlight for that day (yeah, lame I know). Saturday was a big snore, slept most of the day. Sunday I woke up around 9 in the morning. I really had to look at my clock because I was sleepy as shit. Then my friend tasha called and I spoke to her. She wanted to know if I could go with her and her boyfriend (row row as I call him) to the flea market. I was like ok, im good. She said she would pick me up around 2ish. Well stupid me, I went to go drain my keebler and went back into my room to check my email, suddenly falling asleep after I checked it. I woke up with the computer on and hugging the the keyboard LOL. The only reason why I woke up is because I heard knocking at the front door and my phone going off.
My brother says shes at the door knocking as my phone stops ringing and I walk out of my room with nothing but my fitted sheet because well, I like to walk around the house naked and the fitted sheet is just a convenience for my folks (their not nakey people like me). I tell him why he didn't open the door for her and he said he didn't know. He was being lazy and an ass of course since he was playing his world of warcraft game... grr. Anywho I look outside and noones there so I sit on the couch and call her up. She says she was knocking on my door for 15 minutes (she over-exaggerates)when she only was knocking for about 3 mins tops. I totally forgot about going to the flea market, my mind a blur. I told her I was sorry, I passed out. She goes on to saying that she had to pee really bad and decided to go to the gas station that is up the road. She then tells me that if I want to go hang with her my brother has to drop me off at the gas station. I asked her why she can't turn around and she said because her boyfriend said no.
At this point she slapped me in the face, yet again about her damn boyfriend telling her what to do and her following it. This girl seriously needs to get beyond that shit because its annoying as hell. Ive known her soo much longer then the little skinny Brazilian boy. Hell, shes even older then him by 5 years! Ugh, anyway I told her I would see if my brother would bring me. She said whatever and hung up. At this point I basically wanted to go through the phone and slap her on the head. Oh and punch her boyfriend in the face for being a controlling bastard. Anywho I told my brother and he said yes. It look me 5 minutes to pry him off the computer...maybe more. Then he went to the bathroom to go take a shit! Ugh... I know its my fault for forgetting but the girl could have waited 5 minutes for me to get dressed or waited alittle longer for me to open the damn door! Gah!
Anyway I called her back, already dressed and she said that her boyfriend said that she could pick me up. Again another slap and me at the point of wanting to kick her in the shins and beat her boyfriend senseless. I mean its HER CAR and her parents pay for the damn gas. Shes so damned spoiled that the only thing she pays for (sometimes) is her cigarettes. Wish I had parents who spoiled me... Everything I buy that I need I usually have to do their laundry or something they don't want to do to earn the money. Or I earn it another way by doing surveys and shit.
Anywho she picks me up and I say hi and then don't speak to her all the way there. We have small talk though but thats about it because I was pissed and I was trying to be cool about it. It was about 50 cents to get into the flea market which was ok because I had that. Why she couldn't pay it since she invited me I don't know but whatever. Atleast I had the change. We get there and walk around and look at everything. Then when we split up from her boyfriend and we have alone time she start apologizing for the way she reacted, not for the boyfriend part just being snooty on the phone to me. I am still mad so I say whatever, forget about it. She drops me off home and I still feel like kicking and punching. But of course I never did because I dont condone violence unless its to defend myself or others I know and love.
Heres to starting the week off frustrated and bitchy on a Monday morning.
Well I decided to go to a tech support forums *free of charge* and spoke to someone about my problem. The guy told me what to do and the computer turned on *YaY!*...for about 3-5 mins *NO!*. The guy thinks it may be the power supply since the power supply for that computer is weak known to fail after a few years. Another guy says it could be the graphics card but I don't think thats what it is. I'm not really frustrated any more about my computer. More or less I am just waiting to hear from the guy and find a way to fix the damn thing so I can use it. Its alot more faster then the one im using now and it has a dvd drive and burning technology for both dvd & cdr/rw *Woot woot*. hehe. Thanks for my little lady for trying.
Ok onward to my weekend. Friday I didnt do anything, at all. OH but we did have pizza, that was my highlight for that day (yeah, lame I know). Saturday was a big snore, slept most of the day. Sunday I woke up around 9 in the morning. I really had to look at my clock because I was sleepy as shit. Then my friend tasha called and I spoke to her. She wanted to know if I could go with her and her boyfriend (row row as I call him) to the flea market. I was like ok, im good. She said she would pick me up around 2ish. Well stupid me, I went to go drain my keebler and went back into my room to check my email, suddenly falling asleep after I checked it. I woke up with the computer on and hugging the the keyboard LOL. The only reason why I woke up is because I heard knocking at the front door and my phone going off.
My brother says shes at the door knocking as my phone stops ringing and I walk out of my room with nothing but my fitted sheet because well, I like to walk around the house naked and the fitted sheet is just a convenience for my folks (their not nakey people like me). I tell him why he didn't open the door for her and he said he didn't know. He was being lazy and an ass of course since he was playing his world of warcraft game... grr. Anywho I look outside and noones there so I sit on the couch and call her up. She says she was knocking on my door for 15 minutes (she over-exaggerates)when she only was knocking for about 3 mins tops. I totally forgot about going to the flea market, my mind a blur. I told her I was sorry, I passed out. She goes on to saying that she had to pee really bad and decided to go to the gas station that is up the road. She then tells me that if I want to go hang with her my brother has to drop me off at the gas station. I asked her why she can't turn around and she said because her boyfriend said no.
At this point she slapped me in the face, yet again about her damn boyfriend telling her what to do and her following it. This girl seriously needs to get beyond that shit because its annoying as hell. Ive known her soo much longer then the little skinny Brazilian boy. Hell, shes even older then him by 5 years! Ugh, anyway I told her I would see if my brother would bring me. She said whatever and hung up. At this point I basically wanted to go through the phone and slap her on the head. Oh and punch her boyfriend in the face for being a controlling bastard. Anywho I told my brother and he said yes. It look me 5 minutes to pry him off the computer...maybe more. Then he went to the bathroom to go take a shit! Ugh... I know its my fault for forgetting but the girl could have waited 5 minutes for me to get dressed or waited alittle longer for me to open the damn door! Gah!
Anyway I called her back, already dressed and she said that her boyfriend said that she could pick me up. Again another slap and me at the point of wanting to kick her in the shins and beat her boyfriend senseless. I mean its HER CAR and her parents pay for the damn gas. Shes so damned spoiled that the only thing she pays for (sometimes) is her cigarettes. Wish I had parents who spoiled me... Everything I buy that I need I usually have to do their laundry or something they don't want to do to earn the money. Or I earn it another way by doing surveys and shit.
Anywho she picks me up and I say hi and then don't speak to her all the way there. We have small talk though but thats about it because I was pissed and I was trying to be cool about it. It was about 50 cents to get into the flea market which was ok because I had that. Why she couldn't pay it since she invited me I don't know but whatever. Atleast I had the change. We get there and walk around and look at everything. Then when we split up from her boyfriend and we have alone time she start apologizing for the way she reacted, not for the boyfriend part just being snooty on the phone to me. I am still mad so I say whatever, forget about it. She drops me off home and I still feel like kicking and punching. But of course I never did because I dont condone violence unless its to defend myself or others I know and love.
Heres to starting the week off frustrated and bitchy on a Monday morning.

My Sweet Angel....
I sorry that you're still having
trouble with your puter...Ya know,
they may have a power cord at the
pawn shop for cheap...Do a load
of laundry or two for your parents
if ya have to...
Your friend needs to get away from
that boy...It don't matter if he's
a hottie or if she thinks he's a
good lay...
Hope to talk to you later!!!
i have to agree with texas mom on this and besides cant argue with her anyway she will bust my ass haha!
I had to stop over and check out your blog. Nice music!!
PS...I'm gonna link to you.
I'm sorry you had a frustrating weekend, but damn, it was fun to read about!
Ryan sent me over here from Ravenous Romance, btw!
Dana, you're so sweet!!
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