Say Hi To Mr. Toilet
I had to learn this the hard way last night. Last night I went to the Un-Valentines day party which actually turned out to be just a gathering of friends. It was Melissa (the hostess for the evening), kim (my good friend), crystal (her sister who is also a good friend), travis (the hunky gay friend of Melissa), and me. Ok now I am betting that you guys are like, whos the hunk? Well this was the first time I met him and I must say that I was impressed on his looks and on how he talks. Personality wise hes ok, hes not a 10 in that category. On looks I thought he was hot. Then he started saying how he needs to loose weight and I told him to his face," Boy, you dont need to loose weight. Your are hot as you are." I wish I would have said I wanted a kiss from him but he then started showing pictures of his boyfriend and started saying that he is kind of shallow and only likes twinks... sigh. Sometimes I just think really good looking people past me by because they want something materialistic. I know you can be hot and sexy but atleast open your eyes. I don't discriminate and I know I would make one helluva boyfriend...just I dont make alot of money. I blame the media for brainwashing america into thinking whats hot and whats not. Thank you advertising assholes.
Ok moving on with my night, Travis left and we got to drinking. I had maybe about 8 smirnoffs to start. I felt fine and was not buzzed at all. We were all talking away about alot of differnt things. Then came the Lite Rum & Coke. I had about two cups full of that and I was not buzzing but just dizzy. I got up to go to the restroom because we were all going to be leaving (it was like 3 in the morning) and I was very very wobbly. At this point I knew I was drunk. I wobbled to the toilet
and I dont remember what happened I just remember I was at the sink and kim was laughing. I asked her what happened and she said I threw up. Now let me just inform you guys I may be 21 but even trying to get plastered I have never ever threw up. Ive gotten a good buzz going but never thrown up drunk. I blame me not eating anything that day. Good job Angel.
Anywho on the ride home me and kim are talking away like good drunk people do sometimes. I noticed that I am a very happy drunk, which is good. So we were talking and kim started kissing me. At this point I was so buzzed out of my mind that I didn't care and just enjoyed the moment even though I dont feel anything towards her. Anywho I get home and me and kim are laughing away at the door when my dad opens the door and notices that I am drunk so my dad starting laughing to. I get in go to my room and take off all my clothes. I think I may have walked naked back n forth to the bathroom but I dont think anyone saw me. Went to my room and decided I would sleep but that didnt work so I put a bed sheet over me because I like being naked when I am at home. Its just a thing with me, ryan knows what im talking about. Anywho my dad is on Yahoo chat speaking to a couple of girls and I was bored so I started talking to this girl who lives in New Zealand. She sounded cute and I saw her on her webcam and thought she was cute. Anywho I know it is mean to do things to people but I have never rapped to a girl in my life, or a guy for that matter. I don't know if its being shy or whatever but thats not the subject. I just tell her how pretty she is and what not and we start a conversation. To put it short, I got up when I was done talking with her and went to my room and I slept like a baby.
Woke up and talked to my parents. I even talked to them again about me being gay. They hate hearing about it but I talk about me being gay because they seem to forget im gay. I guess its a repressing thing, I dont know. Anyway I decide to CUT MY HAIR! So I take some sissors and cut away until I had a style that was short but a little bit long. My hair doesn't fall on my shoulders anymore and I am kinda liking it. In anycase I have a new haircut that I did myself which came out great, and I will drink but drink responsibly and NOT MIX DRINKS!. Oh and eat first before you drink.
If any of you know my myspace I will be uploading the pictures of my new haircut so I can show everyone.
Later gator.
Ok moving on with my night, Travis left and we got to drinking. I had maybe about 8 smirnoffs to start. I felt fine and was not buzzed at all. We were all talking away about alot of differnt things. Then came the Lite Rum & Coke. I had about two cups full of that and I was not buzzing but just dizzy. I got up to go to the restroom because we were all going to be leaving (it was like 3 in the morning) and I was very very wobbly. At this point I knew I was drunk. I wobbled to the toilet
and I dont remember what happened I just remember I was at the sink and kim was laughing. I asked her what happened and she said I threw up. Now let me just inform you guys I may be 21 but even trying to get plastered I have never ever threw up. Ive gotten a good buzz going but never thrown up drunk. I blame me not eating anything that day. Good job Angel.
Anywho on the ride home me and kim are talking away like good drunk people do sometimes. I noticed that I am a very happy drunk, which is good. So we were talking and kim started kissing me. At this point I was so buzzed out of my mind that I didn't care and just enjoyed the moment even though I dont feel anything towards her. Anywho I get home and me and kim are laughing away at the door when my dad opens the door and notices that I am drunk so my dad starting laughing to. I get in go to my room and take off all my clothes. I think I may have walked naked back n forth to the bathroom but I dont think anyone saw me. Went to my room and decided I would sleep but that didnt work so I put a bed sheet over me because I like being naked when I am at home. Its just a thing with me, ryan knows what im talking about. Anywho my dad is on Yahoo chat speaking to a couple of girls and I was bored so I started talking to this girl who lives in New Zealand. She sounded cute and I saw her on her webcam and thought she was cute. Anywho I know it is mean to do things to people but I have never rapped to a girl in my life, or a guy for that matter. I don't know if its being shy or whatever but thats not the subject. I just tell her how pretty she is and what not and we start a conversation. To put it short, I got up when I was done talking with her and went to my room and I slept like a baby.
Woke up and talked to my parents. I even talked to them again about me being gay. They hate hearing about it but I talk about me being gay because they seem to forget im gay. I guess its a repressing thing, I dont know. Anyway I decide to CUT MY HAIR! So I take some sissors and cut away until I had a style that was short but a little bit long. My hair doesn't fall on my shoulders anymore and I am kinda liking it. In anycase I have a new haircut that I did myself which came out great, and I will drink but drink responsibly and NOT MIX DRINKS!. Oh and eat first before you drink.
If any of you know my myspace I will be uploading the pictures of my new haircut so I can show everyone.
Later gator.

My Sweet Angel....
You know I'd choose you if I were
gay :)
The soda looks YUMMY!!! Y'all
will have to drink them for me
because the doctor says I am no
longer allowed to have them....
The Captain Morgan....We have a
bottle of that in the fridge that
has been there for like 10 years...
Hope to talk to ya soon!!!
angel i think one of the reason we get along so well is we both think alot. i think alot of people miss there soulmates coz they have such a close mind. they wont go outside the box so to say and they sure miss alot. there loss i say!
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