Close Encounters With The Fucked Up Kind
yeah sorry for the cursing but its pretty much how my week has been so far. Lets go ahead and spill.
This week has been a freaking roller coaster ride of emotions and busyness. Wednesday I went to school and spoke with my teacher about a couple of things and then went to work. I don't know if I told anyone this but on Monday I went for GED orientation to pay the money(which I got a scholarship for) and sit through 2 hours of stupidness. My testing date is April 25th. I know I am going to do well but at least I will stay alert and keep on studying before then. I hope to get my GED soon so I can get the hell out of this hell hole I am in and go to college and grab some COLLEGE BOY ASS! Well... not so much the grabbing but thinking about it lol.
Anyway, Saturday I went to this teen council meeting to speak with the teens about a possible program that I had thought up. Its basically going to be an official club at the library I work for. Its a club that is targeted toward the LGBT community, ages 13-18 and maybe older depending on how old they are. Basically I want teens who are lgbt or straight to have a safe heaven and speak about sexuality, get questions answered, learn about the community, and bring awareness about HIV/AIDS. I also have 2 speakers ready and waiting. One of them is my good friend Ryan (not ryan field) and a representative from Equality Florida. Doing this club will be an historic event for the library system and Jacksonville because an LGBT club has never been done before. Once I get a date I will go from there. But for right now I have to sit and wait and see who else I can bring in.
Thursday I had to bring my dad in to the hospital. He had this weird bubble on his leg that kind of looked like a big pimple and his stomach looked very bloaty. And ontop of that, his breathing was not good at all. So we brought him in and waited until he got in and then we left. Heard from him the next day and he said that he has congested heart failure again. Im not too worried about it since hes been in and out of the hospital since I was born so I am use to it. Its kind of strange thinking that if he died tomorrow ide be ok with it. hmm...
Friday I went to go see watchmen with my brother and his friends. The movie was pretty cool despite the fact that everyone else thought it was shitty expect for the sex scenes...breeders (oops poopage alert). Then all of a sudden my brother lights up a blunt and tells me if I want a hit. It was a cigar and I was use to having one once in awhile, usually I have it with cognac but this time I just wanted to enjoy it. After a couple of hits I felt funny and had abit of a headache (which has never happened to me before) and asked him what the hell it was. He told me flat out it was pot. I about slapped him upside his head and kicked his ass but the damn thing just made me feel all calm and mellow...shit. He was really lucky cuz if I wasn't having side effects I would have punched him out.
Well thats pretty much been my week. Not too eventful huh. Right now I am just going to sit back, write a couple of pages for my book, daydream about love, and trying to enjoy my sundry because tomorrow is work n school.
Later people,
This week has been a freaking roller coaster ride of emotions and busyness. Wednesday I went to school and spoke with my teacher about a couple of things and then went to work. I don't know if I told anyone this but on Monday I went for GED orientation to pay the money(which I got a scholarship for) and sit through 2 hours of stupidness. My testing date is April 25th. I know I am going to do well but at least I will stay alert and keep on studying before then. I hope to get my GED soon so I can get the hell out of this hell hole I am in and go to college and grab some COLLEGE BOY ASS! Well... not so much the grabbing but thinking about it lol.
Anyway, Saturday I went to this teen council meeting to speak with the teens about a possible program that I had thought up. Its basically going to be an official club at the library I work for. Its a club that is targeted toward the LGBT community, ages 13-18 and maybe older depending on how old they are. Basically I want teens who are lgbt or straight to have a safe heaven and speak about sexuality, get questions answered, learn about the community, and bring awareness about HIV/AIDS. I also have 2 speakers ready and waiting. One of them is my good friend Ryan (not ryan field) and a representative from Equality Florida. Doing this club will be an historic event for the library system and Jacksonville because an LGBT club has never been done before. Once I get a date I will go from there. But for right now I have to sit and wait and see who else I can bring in.
Thursday I had to bring my dad in to the hospital. He had this weird bubble on his leg that kind of looked like a big pimple and his stomach looked very bloaty. And ontop of that, his breathing was not good at all. So we brought him in and waited until he got in and then we left. Heard from him the next day and he said that he has congested heart failure again. Im not too worried about it since hes been in and out of the hospital since I was born so I am use to it. Its kind of strange thinking that if he died tomorrow ide be ok with it. hmm...
Friday I went to go see watchmen with my brother and his friends. The movie was pretty cool despite the fact that everyone else thought it was shitty expect for the sex scenes...breeders (oops poopage alert). Then all of a sudden my brother lights up a blunt and tells me if I want a hit. It was a cigar and I was use to having one once in awhile, usually I have it with cognac but this time I just wanted to enjoy it. After a couple of hits I felt funny and had abit of a headache (which has never happened to me before) and asked him what the hell it was. He told me flat out it was pot. I about slapped him upside his head and kicked his ass but the damn thing just made me feel all calm and mellow...shit. He was really lucky cuz if I wasn't having side effects I would have punched him out.
Well thats pretty much been my week. Not too eventful huh. Right now I am just going to sit back, write a couple of pages for my book, daydream about love, and trying to enjoy my sundry because tomorrow is work n school.
Later people,

My Sweet Angel...
At least all is well there...
I too can't wait till you get your
GED...Have you decided where you're
gonna go to college...
I hope you don't make a habbit of
smoking pot now...
You did have an eventful week.
Just keep studying for the GED. You'll get it.
What Ryan said! ANd good for you for the work you're doing to set up the LGBT seminars!
i agree with the above study/ged.
we know u can do it!
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