Finding love while understanding a dumbass thats prone to accidents.
Hey guys, sorry I havent updated my blog in a week or two ive just been busy. I am over my cold *THANK GOD!* and I am feeling great again. I am very glad that ryan is alive, I was prayin up a storm...
Ok lets start with this posts title and make my way down.
Love, its one of the things that kind of makes your life complete, atleast in the beginning thralls of it. I believe I may have my first boyfriend in three years. His name is B. Hes cute, tall, and has a great personality. We've been speaking on and off for about three months. We've been talking on the phone for awhile when one day he pulls out those three little words, "I LOVE YOU". I was shocked because I am also slowly falling in love with him. So I told him I loved him to, which is true but then again its not. Im kind of between like I love him as a boyfriend but not as a partner. I just dont feel at this moment unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him. I just love him, is that good enough? Then he goes and tells me he wants me to move in with him. 0_0 I told him I would love to move in with him but as long as I get to know him first in person. See I met him through an internet site. I have heard his voice, seen his pictures, seen his pictures with other friends (friends that have their own accounts). Hes beautiful on the outside but sort of guarded on the inside. So as far as me moving in with him I don't know. I would rather have him move here because of all the drama that is going on where he lives. Still I think I should meet him first at a public place to feel him out in person. But I don't know if hes the one. I will just have to see.
Ok next with the dumbass, my brother. Yesterday me and my brother went to his friends house (2 dykes and a sister). These two girls (were) lovers but now they are just having some problems. One of the lezzies is my brothers friend whom he use to go to school with. Now I was shocked when I met the girl cause she LOOKS LIKE A MAN! I mean she had facial hair and the face of a man with the voice of a flamboyant gay guy. Come to find out that she has this rare hair thing where she can grow facial hair on her face. Ontop of that shes butchy so the whole aspect of herself works out. I swear I saw her and I was like damn hes cute until I found out that he is a she. I felt odd afterward but got over it. Then I met man-girl's girlfriend (or on and off girlfriend). This girl acts all sweet and then shows her true colors. Man-girl's sister came home and man-girls girlfriend just gives man-girl's sister the evil eye. Now I am sitting here and from my first look at this girl (and listening to my vibes) this girl is a little christian girl who looks like sarah plain and tall (scratch that, short). I mean she is literally the most plain person I have EVER SEEN, facial wise. Anywho my brother really likes this girl and wants to do his thing with her (shes 20 thank god, oh and yes hes a pig). So we are there from 10pm to about 4 in the morning. I am getting tired and I have to get up early and study for my test tomorrow. So we leave and my brother tells me flat out," Your such an ass, I am not bring you here anymore." I am like what the fuck did I do? He then goes and tells me he wanted to spend time with the girl. I about punched him in the face. This son of a bitch was at that apartment for all those hours and he barely hung out with her. He was just waiting for man-girl to go to bed because thats man-girls sister. So basically he blames me for something that was more or less his fault and hes just being selfish because he can't get his way. And when my brother doesn't get his way he likes to punish people, mostly me. So no xbox, and I can't go out again with him. What a son of a bitch, right?
Now onto the accident. Dumbass got into a car accident. He actually hit some woman in a car on a road that was 25 miles per hour. Heres how he says it went. He was trying to stop at the light when his brakes didn't work. He hits the lady and there we go, an accident. Now when he first called my dad he said," He was in the car with a friend." When we get there he changes that and says there was no one in the car... I smell bullshit.
So the police officer comes out and talks to this old guy who looks like hes maybe in his late 80's mid 70's. He walks by us and we ask him if the girl (the driver of the other car) is ok. Come to find out hes the girls grandfather. So he just walks by and doesnt say shit. Jesus what the fuck is wrong with people. If someone sounds like they are asking if the girl is hurt you should atleast say something, not be a complete asshole about it. The police officer comes out of her car, shes pretty.
She gives my brother a ticket saying (careless driving and not able to give a replacement drivers license). The replacement drivers license just sounded stupid and the police officers (from my point of view) were kind of being an ass to my brother. He'll, the first officer that came there my brother said had an attitude. Dumbasses license is find so I have no clue why they put that. So we are about to leave when a red corvette flys by us and stops infront of my dads car. Now I am thinking oh shit, what the fuck is this. A guy comes out of the car, shirtless, and mildly turning me on. Its the blue eyes that just do it for me heh. Anywho he comes to the car and asks my brother if hes ok. Come to find out that this is the friend my brother said first he wasn't in the car. Then changed his shit to saying his friend was across the street.
What I think is that this guy is a drug dealer. And the reason why my brother said else was to save the guys ass. Stupid or what, this guy could have been a vital witness. Anyway I am just pissed off until the guy starts talking and I was about to say something. The guy has a very flamboyant voice and mannerisms but he hides them sort of well. The guy is obviously gay and if I offend people by what I say its just how I am expressing myself. Anywho blue-eyes leaves and I am sitting there like who the fuck was that, knowing hes probably dumbasses dealer and probably dumbasses boytoy. It just felt that way and I am usually about 99 percent true with my feelings.
So anyway we come home and drop my brother off. I am pissed off because of what my dad didn't do. See here, whenever I go out to go party with a friend or go out on a date (when I get one) my parents ask a list of questions. With my brother they dont. He says hes going out and thats that. But with me its 20 questions. And then if I dont pass a question I get threatened (like they wont open the house door or they will tell me don't come back). My dad says its because I dont own my own car or have a real job. First off I tell him that that bullshit 20 questions shit is over. I am 21, I can go out and hang with whomever I want. If they don't like it oh well. I need to find new people to meet and hang out with and I can't do that when I feel like I am a caged animal whos freedom to do things is limited. So I told my dad that, thats enough. I am not going to bring anyone home with me whatever I do is outside and its my business. If I am going to a party or a place I will call and tell them I got there alright and where I am. And that is that.
Shit ive written too much again, eh... Well I guess I will write more later because right now my hands are numb.
Later peeps, wish me luck on my GED Test tomorrow.

Ok lets start with this posts title and make my way down.
Love, its one of the things that kind of makes your life complete, atleast in the beginning thralls of it. I believe I may have my first boyfriend in three years. His name is B. Hes cute, tall, and has a great personality. We've been speaking on and off for about three months. We've been talking on the phone for awhile when one day he pulls out those three little words, "I LOVE YOU". I was shocked because I am also slowly falling in love with him. So I told him I loved him to, which is true but then again its not. Im kind of between like I love him as a boyfriend but not as a partner. I just dont feel at this moment unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him. I just love him, is that good enough? Then he goes and tells me he wants me to move in with him. 0_0 I told him I would love to move in with him but as long as I get to know him first in person. See I met him through an internet site. I have heard his voice, seen his pictures, seen his pictures with other friends (friends that have their own accounts). Hes beautiful on the outside but sort of guarded on the inside. So as far as me moving in with him I don't know. I would rather have him move here because of all the drama that is going on where he lives. Still I think I should meet him first at a public place to feel him out in person. But I don't know if hes the one. I will just have to see.
Ok next with the dumbass, my brother. Yesterday me and my brother went to his friends house (2 dykes and a sister). These two girls (were) lovers but now they are just having some problems. One of the lezzies is my brothers friend whom he use to go to school with. Now I was shocked when I met the girl cause she LOOKS LIKE A MAN! I mean she had facial hair and the face of a man with the voice of a flamboyant gay guy. Come to find out that she has this rare hair thing where she can grow facial hair on her face. Ontop of that shes butchy so the whole aspect of herself works out. I swear I saw her and I was like damn hes cute until I found out that he is a she. I felt odd afterward but got over it. Then I met man-girl's girlfriend (or on and off girlfriend). This girl acts all sweet and then shows her true colors. Man-girl's sister came home and man-girls girlfriend just gives man-girl's sister the evil eye. Now I am sitting here and from my first look at this girl (and listening to my vibes) this girl is a little christian girl who looks like sarah plain and tall (scratch that, short). I mean she is literally the most plain person I have EVER SEEN, facial wise. Anywho my brother really likes this girl and wants to do his thing with her (shes 20 thank god, oh and yes hes a pig). So we are there from 10pm to about 4 in the morning. I am getting tired and I have to get up early and study for my test tomorrow. So we leave and my brother tells me flat out," Your such an ass, I am not bring you here anymore." I am like what the fuck did I do? He then goes and tells me he wanted to spend time with the girl. I about punched him in the face. This son of a bitch was at that apartment for all those hours and he barely hung out with her. He was just waiting for man-girl to go to bed because thats man-girls sister. So basically he blames me for something that was more or less his fault and hes just being selfish because he can't get his way. And when my brother doesn't get his way he likes to punish people, mostly me. So no xbox, and I can't go out again with him. What a son of a bitch, right?
Now onto the accident. Dumbass got into a car accident. He actually hit some woman in a car on a road that was 25 miles per hour. Heres how he says it went. He was trying to stop at the light when his brakes didn't work. He hits the lady and there we go, an accident. Now when he first called my dad he said," He was in the car with a friend." When we get there he changes that and says there was no one in the car... I smell bullshit.
So the police officer comes out and talks to this old guy who looks like hes maybe in his late 80's mid 70's. He walks by us and we ask him if the girl (the driver of the other car) is ok. Come to find out hes the girls grandfather. So he just walks by and doesnt say shit. Jesus what the fuck is wrong with people. If someone sounds like they are asking if the girl is hurt you should atleast say something, not be a complete asshole about it. The police officer comes out of her car, shes pretty.
She gives my brother a ticket saying (careless driving and not able to give a replacement drivers license). The replacement drivers license just sounded stupid and the police officers (from my point of view) were kind of being an ass to my brother. He'll, the first officer that came there my brother said had an attitude. Dumbasses license is find so I have no clue why they put that. So we are about to leave when a red corvette flys by us and stops infront of my dads car. Now I am thinking oh shit, what the fuck is this. A guy comes out of the car, shirtless, and mildly turning me on. Its the blue eyes that just do it for me heh. Anywho he comes to the car and asks my brother if hes ok. Come to find out that this is the friend my brother said first he wasn't in the car. Then changed his shit to saying his friend was across the street.
What I think is that this guy is a drug dealer. And the reason why my brother said else was to save the guys ass. Stupid or what, this guy could have been a vital witness. Anyway I am just pissed off until the guy starts talking and I was about to say something. The guy has a very flamboyant voice and mannerisms but he hides them sort of well. The guy is obviously gay and if I offend people by what I say its just how I am expressing myself. Anywho blue-eyes leaves and I am sitting there like who the fuck was that, knowing hes probably dumbasses dealer and probably dumbasses boytoy. It just felt that way and I am usually about 99 percent true with my feelings.
So anyway we come home and drop my brother off. I am pissed off because of what my dad didn't do. See here, whenever I go out to go party with a friend or go out on a date (when I get one) my parents ask a list of questions. With my brother they dont. He says hes going out and thats that. But with me its 20 questions. And then if I dont pass a question I get threatened (like they wont open the house door or they will tell me don't come back). My dad says its because I dont own my own car or have a real job. First off I tell him that that bullshit 20 questions shit is over. I am 21, I can go out and hang with whomever I want. If they don't like it oh well. I need to find new people to meet and hang out with and I can't do that when I feel like I am a caged animal whos freedom to do things is limited. So I told my dad that, thats enough. I am not going to bring anyone home with me whatever I do is outside and its my business. If I am going to a party or a place I will call and tell them I got there alright and where I am. And that is that.
Shit ive written too much again, eh... Well I guess I will write more later because right now my hands are numb.
Later peeps, wish me luck on my GED Test tomorrow.

Sometimes it's not easy having brothers. I have two. I know.
My Sweet Angel...
There is nothing you can do about
stupid...He'll dig his own hole
and when he falls in it...It's his
own fault...
Hope your GED Test was going fine and I wish you good luck with your boyfriend (only a hint: it’s not reasonable calling your own brother a “son of a ..."). :-)
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