Steady Paces
Let me first start by saying thank you to those who reply to my posts. Most of the time I feel rather lonely and wish I could talk to someone. Plus, not having the financial sway to do things is a real downer. But I guess I get by ok. Also I am sooo sooo happy ryan is getting better. HANG IN THERE LUV! I feel so worried about him all the time, hes like the only guy whos my own age that I feel this strongly about. Hes my friend and my brother (from another mother). I know he will get back on his feet and I am also happy he is eating ^_^.
I know its been awhile since I have posted but I do have lots to tell so here we go. I finished my GED test last week"ish" (on the 9th) and I am really confident that I passed. If I didn't i'd probably scream and do it again. But in anycase I know I passed it. I am still talking to B. Hes still having alot of stress and drama issues down where he lives. I talked to him yesterday and he told me that he got into a fight with his roommate. His roommate punched him in the face and he threw his roommate across the room into a wall. Now I am furious at this because his asshole roommmate (who is leaving in 2 days thank god) hit him and then when B threw him, he said he was going to call the cops.
Now if I was in this situation I would have called the cops and kicked his ass out as soon as he hit me but thats just me. But I think B is abit gullible to the situation. I am confused at this and it urks me that a man who is 33 wont stand up and take charge of the situation. All I know is that if I were there, that boy would have had his ass kicked and I would have probably been in jail. I may be able to take some shit from people but if you put your hands on me, its on. I just hope that B decides to move to Jacksonville. Away from the drama and start fresh in his life.
I can hear my mom saying that I shouldn't move in with him yet which I do kinda sort of agree on. But sometimes when you like someone alot you either take the plunge or wait. I am still going to wait because I am still abit iffy as to if he is going to move up here. If he does I will go from there but for right now I am just enjoying the ride. I just wish he would get away from that chaos and find some bliss here with me.
Saturday (2 days ago) my best friend picked me up because she had heard about this new club that had opened up and she wanted to check it out. We went and picked up her friend whom I will call Mexi-melt because hes a fine ass mexican. A good thing I would like to point out about Mexi-melt is that he is Bisexual. I know some of you are thinking theres no such thing but his excuse is that he likes to have sex with guys but he likes to date girls. Which is understandable I guess but the first time I met Mexi-melt years ago, I thought he was the queen of nelly bottoms everywhere. But as I have got to know him, see his mannerisms, and hear him talk I still think hes gay, he just doesn't see it yet. But I must confess that I am very much attracted to him. But my attraction to him is more skin deep then external. He just is a really great guy. I just know in the back of my mind that he doesn't see me that way.
Anywho we pass this club soo many times its not funny. So since we couldn't find it we went to our regular beach club hangout. We stayed there for alittle bit and watched the drag show. Then Mexi-melt got a call from his friend. We left because we found the location and away we went. We got there around maybe 11:30 and come to find out, its a gay latino bar/club. Got out of the car and made our way to the entrance and met up with Mexi-melts friend. I think my jaw about fell to the ground.
This boy was exactly my height. Chiseled jaw with a face so sexy you just wanted to lick it. I knew he was wearing contacts cause his eye color was blueish. His lips were puckered and not too full, just right. He had one of those beards that aligned his jaw perfectly, giving him the appearance of a perfect jawline. And ontop of that HES PUERTO RICAN! If I was a drama queen I would have fainted. So I spoke to him alittle bit and come to find out he owns his own hair-salon, he speaks Spanish, and hes 30. When he said he was 30 I was shocked, and I even gave him a look because he looks like hes 18 maybe 19! I am not shitting you he just exudes this young appearence and it is a BIG BIG turn on for me. Older guy who looks and acts younger but is mature, DING DING DING! Anywho he left before I could talk more with him. I hope I didn't run him off.
Also I wanted your views on a situation. This girl that my brother likes has a problem. I am going to start with the positive and work my way to the negative. So this girl is really really nice. I mean so nice it can probably make you sick. Shes got an awesome personality and shes the kind of breeder you end up marrying because shes perfect. Except for one little thing, she has herpes. Now I personally couldn't care less about this because (i know this is going to sound evil) I could care less if my brother died tomarrow but hes such a brain fart you have to explain it to him. But I just feel I need to caution him with what she has. The girl says that she got rapped but she doesn't act like a rape victim, I should know I was raped at 12. In anycase the girls sister one time called her a whore which expects me to think that this girl didn't get raped but instead was sleeping around unprotected. In anycase it sucks that bad things always happen to good people.
Oh and by the way (don't know if I said this already) i finished my GEDtest. I feel really good about and cant wait to receive my diploma! next on the list is college!
Ok thats about it. Enjoy your week or weekend and I will try to post more soon.
Au Revior!
I know its been awhile since I have posted but I do have lots to tell so here we go. I finished my GED test last week"ish" (on the 9th) and I am really confident that I passed. If I didn't i'd probably scream and do it again. But in anycase I know I passed it. I am still talking to B. Hes still having alot of stress and drama issues down where he lives. I talked to him yesterday and he told me that he got into a fight with his roommate. His roommate punched him in the face and he threw his roommate across the room into a wall. Now I am furious at this because his asshole roommmate (who is leaving in 2 days thank god) hit him and then when B threw him, he said he was going to call the cops.
Now if I was in this situation I would have called the cops and kicked his ass out as soon as he hit me but thats just me. But I think B is abit gullible to the situation. I am confused at this and it urks me that a man who is 33 wont stand up and take charge of the situation. All I know is that if I were there, that boy would have had his ass kicked and I would have probably been in jail. I may be able to take some shit from people but if you put your hands on me, its on. I just hope that B decides to move to Jacksonville. Away from the drama and start fresh in his life.
I can hear my mom saying that I shouldn't move in with him yet which I do kinda sort of agree on. But sometimes when you like someone alot you either take the plunge or wait. I am still going to wait because I am still abit iffy as to if he is going to move up here. If he does I will go from there but for right now I am just enjoying the ride. I just wish he would get away from that chaos and find some bliss here with me.
Saturday (2 days ago) my best friend picked me up because she had heard about this new club that had opened up and she wanted to check it out. We went and picked up her friend whom I will call Mexi-melt because hes a fine ass mexican. A good thing I would like to point out about Mexi-melt is that he is Bisexual. I know some of you are thinking theres no such thing but his excuse is that he likes to have sex with guys but he likes to date girls. Which is understandable I guess but the first time I met Mexi-melt years ago, I thought he was the queen of nelly bottoms everywhere. But as I have got to know him, see his mannerisms, and hear him talk I still think hes gay, he just doesn't see it yet. But I must confess that I am very much attracted to him. But my attraction to him is more skin deep then external. He just is a really great guy. I just know in the back of my mind that he doesn't see me that way.
Anywho we pass this club soo many times its not funny. So since we couldn't find it we went to our regular beach club hangout. We stayed there for alittle bit and watched the drag show. Then Mexi-melt got a call from his friend. We left because we found the location and away we went. We got there around maybe 11:30 and come to find out, its a gay latino bar/club. Got out of the car and made our way to the entrance and met up with Mexi-melts friend. I think my jaw about fell to the ground.
This boy was exactly my height. Chiseled jaw with a face so sexy you just wanted to lick it. I knew he was wearing contacts cause his eye color was blueish. His lips were puckered and not too full, just right. He had one of those beards that aligned his jaw perfectly, giving him the appearance of a perfect jawline. And ontop of that HES PUERTO RICAN! If I was a drama queen I would have fainted. So I spoke to him alittle bit and come to find out he owns his own hair-salon, he speaks Spanish, and hes 30. When he said he was 30 I was shocked, and I even gave him a look because he looks like hes 18 maybe 19! I am not shitting you he just exudes this young appearence and it is a BIG BIG turn on for me. Older guy who looks and acts younger but is mature, DING DING DING! Anywho he left before I could talk more with him. I hope I didn't run him off.
Also I wanted your views on a situation. This girl that my brother likes has a problem. I am going to start with the positive and work my way to the negative. So this girl is really really nice. I mean so nice it can probably make you sick. Shes got an awesome personality and shes the kind of breeder you end up marrying because shes perfect. Except for one little thing, she has herpes. Now I personally couldn't care less about this because (i know this is going to sound evil) I could care less if my brother died tomarrow but hes such a brain fart you have to explain it to him. But I just feel I need to caution him with what she has. The girl says that she got rapped but she doesn't act like a rape victim, I should know I was raped at 12. In anycase the girls sister one time called her a whore which expects me to think that this girl didn't get raped but instead was sleeping around unprotected. In anycase it sucks that bad things always happen to good people.
Oh and by the way (don't know if I said this already) i finished my GEDtest. I feel really good about and cant wait to receive my diploma! next on the list is college!
Ok thats about it. Enjoy your week or weekend and I will try to post more soon.
Au Revior!

My Sweet Angel...
I hope that 'B' does move up there
where you are...I'm glad too that
you don't wanna just up and leave
with him...
Did you get the name of the salon
that he owns...Maybe you could
get your hair cut there sometime :)
Ya know...Do a little flirty flirt
with him...
Hey...No matter what you think of
your brother...He's still your
brother and you should look out
for the mentally challenged...
Remember that :)
ps. It was good talking with you
I like your posts. They are very real and I think a lot of people can relate to them.
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