My Not So Fabulous Thanksgiving

Yep. My thanksgiving this year was a bust, big time. I'll get into that later once I start by saying happy late thanksgiving for everyone else out there who actually know I exist... so sad I know. Oh well, all good things come in time they say.
So I cooked up a storm this Thanksgiving. I started about 5 in the morning with my dad getting the turkey ready and omg... The turkey came out freakin amazing! YUM! After making and baking, when it was time to eat everything I was not in the mood for eating. Odd. But its not that odd because my dad gets the same way sometimes. So I had a small plate this thanksgiving. I am happy to say that I thoroughly enjoyed myself, for the most part.
Ok so onto the real story behind my not so fabulous Thanksgiving. Without giving out too much details because some of the things that happen I don't entirely tell people because some things just need to say within the family. Suffice to say, he said and did something very childish to me and very below the belt. He has always known how to push my buttons, hes just built to be an asshole. Lord forgive me for trying to cope but sometimes I just need to speak my mind.
Silent prayers keep the demons away.
Anyway, I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. I have to remind myself to go talk to the people in administration about signing up for this class that I like. No ladies n gentlemen I have not received my degree as of yet. Its a shame, I know it. It pisses me off all the same but I am just trying my hardest. Jeez, ive been studying almost every day for atleast three hours. Lets hope all things pan out well.
Financially things with me are just not good. I have not been able to find a job in literally 4 freakin years. Ive been sick since I was about 12. I feel like im fighting to stay above water but its hard. When you have an illness that turns out to be an all out battle for your life,its going to be a long way to happy. And I am not dead yet.
Thanks you to those people who do visit my blog and show a comment or two. A nice comment is always welcome. I'm just friendly. Alright, you all stay safe and stay warm!
Live Life N Love Strong
Awww, sweetie, I'm sorry you had a lousy Thanksgiving... sometimes family is a good thing and other times they just suck. I am glad your turkey was perfect, though...
Keep hanging in there and find little things in each day that make you happy. Things will pick up!
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