OK I've Got A Dirty Mouth, so what?

Hey everyone and happy birthday to me!
Yep... I am officially 22 today. *giant sigh* Yep... it sucks that it has been 3 years and I am still alone, now jobless (because of my health), and very much out of luck right now. Being poor is really really messed up. I barely scrape by with some surveys I do and a mystery shop here n again. I'm tired of always telling myself to shut up about what I think. Always telling me that I can't speak my mind. Well suck on this.
Please excuse me if I sound pissed off but I am really not. I'm probably the nicest person you will ever meet. Kindness is my nature. But when you piss me off you piss me off. Its just how I see this beautiful messed up world.
Now onto something that really made my skin boil. Check this out.....
So, now for what I think about this.
ARE YOU SERIOUS! Who the fuck hits a priest idiot! One thing you have to know about this guy is that he looks soo OMFG gorgeous. Not my words but my friend ryan. Ok... gorgous is my word. lol. What?!
Anyway, I can't believe this beautiful man has done something not good. Please someone arrest this guy n throw him in jail. Hmm, thats also a problem isn't it. With jail's at their maximum campacity, things are not good. Especially in Hollywood, California where some celebritys who do really bad crimes get away with it because the prisons are at their maximum. Sucks, right? Well thats justice for ya.
Atleast give the guy community service. Id be happy to watch him shirtless while he picks up garbage. ^_^
Happy birthday, Cutie Bunny!!!
And never worry about speaking your mind. :-)
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