Ive decided...

Writing is about the easiest thing I do. SO I decided to join a group of writers who write about the gaming industry. Video games are just one of my favorite things, among many others. I just love to write period, about my life and what I think about the world. This blog that I have up is here for its own purpose. To speak my mind and say what needs to be said. Whether you like it or not, I get my point across.
Im sitting in my mom's new office. It was originally my brother's bedroom and now it has been turned into an office. He left to go live with his best friend and his girlfriend. Its an interesting pair. I would like to see how things pan out. You can call me an observer. :)
In any case I have found a new area where I can concentrate on my work and be in a relaxing environment. Hopefully this will give me grounds to keep writing more. One can only hope that something like this lands me a job but I think I would need to promote my blog. Promoting my blog is something I just don't know how to do. I need to find a way to make cash but it sucks because I am sick.
My doctor says I will not be able to go to college unless I am doing better. Its scary when your doctor tells you that. I just feel after all this time I have been inside of this shell, wanting to break free. Like seeing through a mirror. Thats what depression feels like, for me that is.
But you know what, theres nothing wrong with a bit of depression. It shows us that through all of that tough exterior, we are still as human as the next person. I hope to one day show the world that we should get rid of racisim completely and just love each other because we are human. Human love, I think I am down with that. Just as long as its with men because sorry ladies, I love ya but no thank you mam. ^_^
Later Peepers
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