My muse has bit

Yay! i am in a writing mood today.I recently did a couple of things I thought I would never do. I started a 2nd blog that is actually on a gaming website. I also have another blog where I have the same info but also stuff related to the entertainment industry. I like it when my muse visits hehe.
No, nothing sexual like that ryan so you can stop right there lol. But lets just say I have spent alot of time this summer taking time on "ME". I really needed to reflect because my life has always been one crappy moment after another. I wish I could have known more about what I have. My dad blames my mom. I blame no one.
Its a gift to feel like me. I guess you can say I am passionate as I write, whatever :). But all in all I just feel free to write whatever the fuck I want to write because it is my god given right as a Latino American Born N Bred, Bodiqua.
Yes I am very proud of my people and our culture, it runs in the blood I guess. Anyway, I want everyone to know I am getting slowly better and on my feet thanks to a lil R&R. And there is nothing wrong with a lil R&R...give or take 11 years. I know what I have is an illness but I refuse to let myself kick my ass into the ground. I know better then that.
People just don't know.
Wow that was deep... I better move onto something else.
I would like to point out one thing to the people that actually read this. My friends and the millions of anonymous bloggers that do look at my blog. Oh, just because I don't have a counter on my blog doesn't mean that I know's watching my blog lol. And thank you to those who do. :)
Whats funny about this is that I dont really have alot of people on here. Don't get me wrong but I do have enough friends to talk to. Its just their lives are so busy while mine is rather, not busy at all.
Happy holidays ^_^
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