Gaga On The Mind

Again with the writing why don't ya lol. Okay this morning I have been writing like crazy. I think its my mind finally opening up abit to some well deserve typeage. Plus it could be I am also listening to Lady Gaga's new album Fame Monster. This girl can throw out some really awesome beats. I gotta give it to her. Plus she has been in the underground music scene since before she was 18. This girl has an awesome future ahead of her.
If you guys have not seen her music video "Bad Romance", I saw the documentary on why she did the video the way she did. You guys should definitely check her stuff out because your going to be hearing alot from the amazing, Lady Gaga. I hope to one day be as good as she is cuz the girl has it down pack.
Ok I am going to go write some more. Happy sunday to everyone out there. If your going to church and its cold outside, wear some WARM CLOTHES! I live in FL and it is abit chilly outside. But I bet in some places its probably snowing. Ok I am going to go now lol.

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