Its almost febuary...

And I havent written a post, until now!
Hey blogger! God it has seemed like I have taken a break from writing all together. Which for me is abit of a relief but I need to get back into it. So... what have I been doing these past couple of weeks? Well, alot of the norm.
Since school is back in session I have been attending classes religiously. Work is what it usually is, work. The situation at home is fairing well and I am doing alright.
My dating life has been pretty busy lately. I have been talking to a couple of guys on the internet and have found a couple of interests. I have even found some local boys to talk to which is awesome. I don't really care about age but it is usually really rare for me to find someone close to my age that I am attracted to. It just doesnt really happen because alot of guys my age are very immature and are more about getting laid then talking and getting to know someone. I blame the marketing.
Anyway I am going to go hop in the shower and wash the day off me. I am so tired today that all I want to do is crawl under the covers and go to sleep. Its strange that I have been so tired lately. Maybe its my meds or whatever. I will have to talk to my doc next time I see them.
I hope everyone is doing well and I hope your lives are less routine then mine cuz my life is very boring at the moment lol. I am going to go relax alittle and enjoy the rest of evening. You all be safe and godbless. If you read this and don't comment, I know who you are... ^_^
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