A Birthday With A Twist

Ok so today was my mothers birthday and by god she wanted to party. I have never seen her this way ever in my life but like she said it, you only turn 55 once. Now I have seen my mother tipsy before but never plastered. It was quite entertaining and quite scary since she is one of those happy drunks that are way too moody. One second she is crying and the next she is laughing and saying I love you.
I can't help but laugh even though I am asking the lord for forgiveness because its not really funny. Although she usually only gets tipsy on special occasions like a holiday or her birthday so I can understand her wanted to relax and just enjoy her birthday. Thank god she was drinking wine because if it were anything else I would have been abit more worried (health wise).
Anyway the evening ended with me carrying her to her room because she was dizzy and disoriented. So of course I carry her and I understand what she is going through at this time. Hell I have been through it and most of us out there have.
She then throws up in the toilet (thank god not on me or my dad) and then comes the eternal struggle to get her to go to bed. Oh and we also found out she tinkled on herself, yeah that was abit icky but I am just glad she finally could have a release since she works so damn hard and barely goes out. A hard working woman deserves to be tipsy once in a blue moon.
So that ended my night with me feeling like I should take a shower, which I probably will. And my night turned into an entertaining event. Scary but entertaining because of how I see it. Im crossing my fingers that she doesn't have a hang over tomorrow. I have never had one myself (yes im lucky) but I can handle my alcohol better then most people (my little secret lol).
Anyway I am going to go jump into the shower and scrub the invisible ickyness I am feeling right now. Thanks for people finally commenting, me luvs you ^_^.
Have a nice weekend beautiful people and remember, dont drink and drive.

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