Thursday, August 27, 2009

I Refuse

You try
To abide
But then
You stride
And hide
The truth
With smiles

You do
And say
And follow
Their ways
Just to appease
Their grace

They may be blind
Within the lines
But I know
The truth

Unchained I am
The Plan
You could
Have known
The Truth

For I refuse
This abuse
That you hide
Within your plight

You attack
And I'll fight
All Through the night
Forever to keep my flame
Burning Bright

I Refuse
by: David Angel

I dedicate this poem to the people who fight for my rights as a gay latino man, and also as an American. Your courage has given me the strength to accept myself and not be afraid of the world beyond my door. Because we should never be afraid of our government. They should be afraid of its people. I may have been born after stonewall, but with your bravery I can be proud of who I am in this beautiful messed up world. For you are my true heroes.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Gay Politics

Tired?: Spend atleast 15 mins or take as long as a break you want with your eyes closed, sitting back in your chair, in the dark, and try to keep silent. This will help you rest your eyes. Remember to not fall asleep. And there is alittle relaxation technique for you guys.

Ok now moving onto the subject at hand. Usually I try not to talk about politics but in this case, I will make an exception. I was browsing (you guys should check it out) and one of the articles peaked my interest. The article was done by the associated press.

It seems in California, a same sex couple, files a lawsuit against DOMA. If some of you guys don't know what DOMA is, DOMA means "Defense of Marriage Act". Basically it is a law to ban same sex marriage and their benefits on a federal level. Now I know for a fact that there are atleast 5 states that already passed a bill for gay marriage but on a federal level, they are not giving benefits to couples of same sex marriage.

You know something. This is ridiculous. And I am rather pissed that President Obama is not looking into this. Or atleast bring up the topic and tell the people wtf is going on. It sucks that people who are married legally within their state are not receiving benefits from our government, the people we give our tax dollers to. What is wrong with the way this shit is being handled? I personally think we should all march down to Washington on a national level and protest against this. We need to show those people in the white house, and president obama that we will be heard. We will keep on fighting for our rights as rightful tax payers and citizens of the United States of America.
Click here for the article.

As you can see I do get pissy because I see this whole attack on gay marriage as ridiculous. Its all about change, or religion. I should know. My mother is totally against me being gay. She says im going to hell and that I am not a christian... but she loves me. My mother and my father are basically on the same side. The only difference is that my father doesn't care just as long as I don't bring I don't bring it home. So basically I do what I want just as long as I don't bring it home. It's doable I guess. I figure if I am 35 and they are still this way then I will more likely detach myself away from my parents. Its not about acceptance for me people. Its about respect for me. Because I don't need acceptance when all I need is to accept who I am.

OH! I hope you guys checked out the pictures I took for St. Augustine. I doubt it since no one ever comments anymore on my blog. I haven't entirely dissapeared people, im still here! Anyway I am going to get off now lol. Coffee time!

Later bloggers.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Short Distances

Monday I went to St. Augustine with my family and my brothers girlfriend. I'd like to point out that I rarely ever go out of town. So going to St.Augustine of all places was a good thing. I explored the area more in depth, then I have ever done before. I saw the first catholic church (The basilica), walked down the Spanish Quarter, and even saw a couple of cute guys. I also got my fortune told by this old fortune telling machine. Oh and we had pizza at this pizzeria which said they had authentic new york pizza... bullshit. The food was very mediocre. Next time I visit, im going to try the other Pizza restaurant across the street to compare. Because I hate it when restaurants say their authentic and they end up making some pretty crappy pizza. I also went to this pretty cool place where they look up your last name and see if your family has a coat of arms (family crest) and they also give you a history to your last name. My last name is actually Italian which was something I have always wanted to know. On my moms side, her families last name is French. Awkward being Latino and not having a Latino sounding name.

I also checked out about 2 art galleries, one of them had Dr. Seuss stuff on exhibit. It was quite remarkable because I have never been inside of an art gallery. The stuff is so expensive! I would never spend so much on art work. But truthfully, if I had the money, id probably reconsider on at least one painting. I'll show you guys the pictures I took of my trip. Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying their weekend. Right now I am going to have myself a cold glass of water and try to stay cool. Stay safe and stay cool people.

Click here for pictures.

Oh and by the way, I found out my ancestor is actually Juan Ponce de León. He is the man who found St.Augustine, he discovered Florida, and he was the first Governor of Puerto Rico.
(Castillo de San Marcos St. Augustine, FL)


Monday, August 17, 2009

New blog address and rants.

(FYI: I changed the address to my blog. it is now

I was amazed to hear that our president is trying his best to repel the law that came into effect and revert everything back the way it was. I am happy that my tax dollers are finally coming to good use. But I am still feeling uneasy about all of this.

I look toward canada and notice that the country is becoming very gay friendly. Its awesome to see people getting married, and getting the benefits that they deserve. Because we are all citizens and we pay our damn taxes. We deserve the right to be treated the same. As they say in the ten commandments. Treat thy neighbor as you would treat yourself.
Damn spiffy.

Also I am amazed at how Canada has decriminalized marijuana. This is a big step into a possible research study on the medicinal benefits of the drug. Hopefully we can find a cure for a couple of bad illnesses. And possibly save more lives. And help lower our carbon footprint.

I hope the US atleast decriminalizes it. Its ridiculous that one drug that could help so many people gets eradicated by a government that brainwashes us into thinking that smoking pot is bad. Bullshit. If I had it my way, I would criminalize tobacco. I also think you should be fined if you go over the drinking limit. Because alcohol does kill, not marijuana. There is absolutely no evidence that pot or weed of anykind, has killed anyone or caused cancer. This my friends, is a fact.

So... I retook my GED Math Test. HOPEFULLY I PASSED IT THIS TIME! In anycase I feel I did good. Im glad that I even had enough time to go back and recheck my answers. Its always good to check and see if you did things right. I think I may have got a few questions wrong because I did not sleep well. But hopefully, it will land in my favor. Ugh! I just hate waiting... :(

Ive been reading these books called "The Tarot Cafe". Its kind of like a story with pictures, like a comic book. Comics are pretty awesome. I havent told anyone this but I am going to say it now. I am abit of a psychic. I have had a gift since I was very young. Im not being weird but ya know, it is what it is. I also do tarot readings. So I am going to do this new thing that I will call the tarot for the week.

Three Of Wands:

Find time for yourself this week. Take an hour out of your day and just relax as much as possible. Stress is the enemy here. Have complete silence or play soft music. Doing this can bring you virtue, confidence, and clarity which may bring happiness,balance. This can also be a great time to reflect and thinking about the now and the future.

Ok thats enough for now. Buh bye ^_^

Sunday, August 09, 2009


Ok so usually I dont touch on political topics but right now I will.

Global warming. If you don't know what it is by now your 5 seconds aways from a slap on the head. The climate is changing people. If you don't notice this then your dee dee dee. We need to go forward and end everything and have a world only running on not electricity but a source of energy like hydro or what not. If we can create a clean free world none of this will be happening.

But of course, the reason why this world is dying out quicker is because of our need for better things that impact the economy and planet in a vile and vicious way. No waste means no economical problems. So what are we going to do about the waste? Find a way to disintigrate it completely to the point where it keeps our planet green and more propserous.

More or less do I think we will stop the process of global warming. Hell no... More than likely people will find a way to live underwater or something like it so if a natural occurance happens, we can all stay alive. All n all if we don't push for a more green economy, we need to do it fast.

Oh and another thing. I am getting tired of the U.S. funding all of its tax payers dollars more on the war against marijuana. This plant is 20x more better then most of the shit you get in stores. Fight off cocaine and the harder drugs like heroin. Should marijuana be legal, yes. But I do think that it should be just that LEGAL. You will be surprised that if this ever goes legal how much the world would be a healthier place. I dont believe in the government telling people they cant grow it and sell it without paying them a fee (tax).

Taxes seems like fees to me. Its ridiculous! I understand we get some of it back until the end of the year. Another thing is the people who use our tax dollars don't even give a shit about the people. There are advocates out there who are fighting for our rights because we are also tax payers, the lgbt community. And because we have the right to be just as fucking miserable as heterosexual divorces if need be. If you guys want to watch a true honest to god documentary that will change your views on cannabis you should check out "The Union: The Business of Getting High". It will definitely enlighten you.

And enlightenment is never a bad thing people.

Friday, August 07, 2009

Status Queue

I feel in love
Or so I thought
And now I know the truth
My heart is gone
Ive lost the time
To understand the truth

My heart was blind
But now im fine
The question is revealed
And through the blinds
Of times past by
I find the strength to heal

Ill find the time
To make him mine
Because my love
Is True

Tuesday, August 04, 2009


excuse the language but I am in a good mood. Im back into the dating scene (yeeha!). Ive been talking to this guy who I will call D. This boy is not only cute but hes so easy to talk to and hes so nice. I really like him, like being the definitive word. I'm glad I don't have a crush on him or have any feelings yet for him. What the hell am I talking about, I just need to let things go with the flow and stop analyzing this.

I have been doing loads of research on college courses. I am most positive I will be attending USF in 2010 for the spring semester. Ive been looking at alot of their classes that they have availible and I have a good clue as to what I want to major in. I know I will need to have a spanish class because in order to get the MLS (Masters of Library Science) degree I will need to atleast know another language. Why not polish up on my spanish while in school. Hell, I got an A in my spanish class in high school. I think I will enjoy myself. My major will most likely be either english or history, im still not sure.

The reason for my confusion is because I want to work in a library, yet I want to work in a museum kind of setting. I have never worked at a museum before but have always had a sort of itch to do so. In anycase, I am not entirely sure on the coursework or what not. I have also had other asaparations like becoming a historian with a specific degree in vampireism and other sorts of odd things. I just dont know... I tend to want to learn about soo much because I love to learn things and read alot. Knowledge has always been a commodity for me.

What I really need to do now is call up USF and ask them about their prerequisite classes I will need in order to actually get into the program. Im abit confused as to how all that works but I will probably just research it on the internet like I always do.

Alright I am going to go study for my math test in a week. Hope everyone is doing well and I hope people actually notice that yes, I am still alive and blogging even though my blog isnt at all popular.

Oh well.

Omg I remember these furbies lol. this one is funny.

Saturday, August 01, 2009


These past two months have been an eye opener for me. I have been able to see a world I never knew was there. Its definitively an amazing moment for me. I think this is what you call growing. Because however old you get, your still your old self one way or another. This summer I have found myself, or some relevance for it.

I also wanted to point out what the hell is going on with my friend RYAN from boysareuglybutsocute. U NEVER TALK TO ME ! *cries*...

lol just hit me up butt head.

Enjoy your summer people. I have a retake on the 15th.

Many rainbow hugs