Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Hot Boys & Me Time

I have been having alot of ME time which is a damn good thing I must say. Yesterday I went to the beach with my parents and my brothers girlfriend (shes like a sister to me). EVERYONE GOT SUN BURNED! EVEN ME! It sucks but when you haven't been to the beach in a long time like (me), its bound to happen. Plus we all forgot to put on sunblock (how stupid huh). Thank god I only got burned in the face. My brothers girlfriend got a bad sunburn though, hope she doesn't get sun poisoning. I also did abit of boy watching. And omg, I miss going to the beach more then I thought I did. I felt like such a perv oogling over all the men. Ive come to know that I dont really have a specific type of guy I like. Which is a good thing... I guess. I guess for me its more about the personality.

Ok well moving on to some downer news. I didn't pass the GED test. Well actually, I passed all the required areas except for the math portion. I needed 410 points to pass that portion and I got 400 points! I missed the mark by 10 fucking points, ugh! Anyway I am going to retake the test in aug. So right now I am going to be studying my ass off until the test so I can get ready for college in spring 2010. I can't wait! I soo just want to go to college already and start my life. I feel so damn sheltered here that its urking me more then usual. Not being able to get out as often as I would like does suck but hopefully soon, it will change. I just hope that I can go to the beach more often before the summer ends.

Hot boys and me time, im in.

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Black N Blue

Im trying to figure out. Why my life is the way it is. With losing yet another person and struggling to find change. Life is changing and I am noticing it. I am amazed by how affected I am by it. My body mind n soul seems perilous. As if the ever going change seems too much. But evidently, I adapt.

What will it be like to move on and be independent to the point of seclusion away from family. I have thought, and thought thoroughly about going to New York for school. Reason be, because I have family up there. Instead my mind is telling me to go to Tampa. Because I will be out of my element and somehow my mind is telling it will be good for me. Maybe its the frighten child I remember long ago. Who always second guessed himself. But no more will I be that frightened child.

Because the world is 2 big and amazing to be frightened.

Here are 2 pictures I just thought were just ridiculous!

Preggo barbie with baby... CRAZY CONCEPT!

And teen preggo barbie...I don't know what to say on this.

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Seasons Change

Wow I have had a roller coaster of a couple of weeks that I do not know where to start. Maybe I should start first and point out something that has just caught my attention. Ryan from boys are ugly but so cute recently posted about something that made me want to just hug the boy. I don't know if Ryan knows or not but I see him as like a big brother in many ways. Hes just such an amazing person (who is my age by the way) that I hope to one day be just like him. I guess you can say hes kind of like my idol ^_^. Hes such a kind and golden hearted man that he is what I aspire to be one day. Never forget Ryan that you have family right here.

Ok now I would like to talk about my little R&R away from the online world. I have been taking time for myself to reflect on my future. I have been in dire need to do this because I have been pretty much not thinking about it. I am happy I have because I now have things in perspective. I guess this is another way of growing up. And thats just ok with me.

Michael Jackson died. I still can't believe it because I have always seen him as being very young for his age. I may have not listened to his songs but I saw him as an icon. And an Icon he will always be. As a man who breached the barriers of white and black, he is and always will be not a man of color but a beacon of hope for all races.

I still haven't received my GED results and it is already past the deadline. I am ansy about this now. I want to know if I passed it ALREADY! lol. I called up my school and left a message. Hopefully I can get an answer. Because I am honest to god tired of the school stupid mistakes. With changing the scheduled date because they forgot to send in the paperwork, forgetting to put me into the GED class and having to add me in. I hope to god they didn't make another mistake cause I am close to just suing their asses... if that's even possible.

Have a good week everyone.