Historic Debate In Florida Senate & My Thoughts N More

the Florida Legislature is scheduled to debate whether people should be asked about their sexual orientation when applying to adopt. I just got an email from Equality Florida, an advocacy group about the latest in this amazing development. Here is an article by Tobias Packer.
The bill would prevent people from being asked if they own guns. Our amendment would prevent people from being asked about their sexual orientation.
Thanks to Rep Scott Randolph and Sen. Charlie Justice, we succeeded in getting amendments filed in both chambers to an adoption bill that heads to the floor of both the House and Senate right now.
Right this moment, House and Senate leadership is actively trying to silence the discussion, but top allies in both chambers will fight as hard as they can to ensure that does not happen.
Hundreds are in Tallahassee right now talking to their legislators.
Take 30 seconds right now to join them as a virtual lobbyist.
Click here to send an email to your legislators.
Pro-equality legislators are fired up and ready to make the case that the adoption ban tears families apart prevents children from being adopted.
More than one hundred Floridians are in Tallahassee right now having face-to-face conversations with their state legislators. Today more legislators than ever are signing on to sponsor pro-equality bills, but more are still needed to pass critical legislation.
To watch the video of this histroic debate, click here.
My Thoughts:
Well for one, I a relieved that the senate will finally talk about this ridiclous ban on gay parents adopting. There are so many kids in the system that need loving families and to say that someone cannot adopt them is just plain bullshit. I hear all of these right wing weirdo's talking about family values and what it "truely" means.
Let me get one thing straight here. A family can be anyone, wheather it is a straight union or a gay one, a family is a family. We are human beings ladies and gents. To strip away our humanity and nit pick what we consider to be good and wrong without fully looking at the picture is a mistake on their fault. For a family is not something you can define by how you see it. But by the love a family can create visually and together. Whether it is a man or a woman, or same sex.
Honestly I dont quite understand some of these homophobic people out there that lash out against other gay people. Saying god hates fags and all that bull that I know, only can come from hatred and not god. Because from what I have learned, growing up with god in my heart, I feel that there is nothing wrong with being gay.
What people tend to forget is that god loves his children, all of his children. The priests and the pope up in their rich castles that plain as day say that all gays when burn in hell. I say to you, what gives you the right to speak for god. We have no right to speak for him or pass judgement on the world. It is for god to decide when our souls return to heaven what our judgement will be. Ashamed you should be to twist the lords preaching for such evil.
It just really pisses me off when I hear the church condemning people or people of the church following in such unchristian ways. The devil as infiltrated people into hating others. For hate only brings in the devil. And once the devil is in, you let evil into your lives.
I have spent my life, opening up my mind to the world. I am very introverted, my mind wondering always. I believe myself to truely be gods worrier. See it as you like, call me crazy if you will. It also helps when you are abit intuitive.
I honestly believe this world will always be in conflict. Human nature I believe is what they call it. Its a shame because my vision for the future revolves around peace and harmony of everyone on the planet. A world where we perserve and restore the natural beauty of our planet. To build a safe world and future for our children and their childrens children. Where there will be no seperation of orientation or sex. We are all human and we should treat each other as such. But most likely, tha wont happen because of human nature. Because conflict is a natural enemy that all of us are born with.
This debate is a step forward into a possible future I have only dreamed of seeing and hope to one day belong in. For that is a future I would want for my children, and all.