Good Morning Starshine, The Earth Says Hello!
Before I start I wanted to say thank you to the people who have posted on my last post. I don't usually get alot of people commenting on my posts and seeing when people do really brightens my day. I'm a sucker for good comments ^_^.
Heyo people,
I woke up very happy this morning as you can see from the title of this post, heh. Yesterday for me was a very very long day. So long I thought I would have never made it! So lets have a little run down of my day. Monday night I never went to bed at all. I was tossin, and turning, and movin to the groovin...ok not the groovin part but you get where I'm coming from. My little baby cat was passed out and in her sleep was tapping on my head, I guess she was doing a musical number in her head...who knows? So I was not able to go to sleep and I had to be in school at 8AM...sigh. So at 630 I had to push myself off the bed because my mind was saying hells no. Got up, got dressed and did the whole morning routine. Got to school and actually made it through the morning. I was so proud of myself you just don't know it. Ooh, let me tell you about what I saw in the computer lab while I waited for my ride to pick me up.
In high school (like the 9th or grade or something) I had a crush on this boy named Ryan (no not the two Ryans I have linked on here). He was about 5'8, soft dark brown hair, and the most beautiful blue eyes god could have given him. Also he had a very sexy smile and a nice ass but whose looking (points at self). Anywho I was in the computer lab when I turned to my right to look outside the window into the other computer lab and there he was. More grown up and sexy as ever. I could have stared at him all day in a very gawker like attitude. For some reason I have an affinity for guys who can wear a shit and jeans and it looks sexy on them, and I don't discriminate. I must have stared at him for about 10 minutes before his gaze turned toward mine. I was literally in shock like a deer caught in headlights. He turned back to what he was doing as if he didn't know who I was. If I psychic or something I would have whispered into his mine to come n get me and ravage me infront of everyone...but thats just lil ole me hehe.
Spoke to ryan (from boys are ugly but so cute) and I was very happy to hear he is feeling alot better and has been back at work since Monday. I felt really bad for Ryan and almost got up and made my way to his place to be his little nurse...even though he had Kadin and his mother. So I decided not to since he was being attended to. Honestly, sometimes I feel like taking care of people I care about alot. Like if my mama Laurie got sick and she was alone and no one to care for her, I would get my ass over there and nurse her back to health (if I could). Thats just the caring side of me that doesn't want to loose people whom I hold dear to me.
Moving on to work...wait wait lets back that up abit. I got picked up by my daddyo (thats his nickname I gave him, he likes it :) ) and he told me we had to pick up my brother because he was late for work. My brother, during class, left a message on my phone saying," You forgot to put my clothes in the washer, now I'm gunna be late for work." I just rolled my eyes because I never intended to put his clothes in there anyhow. Instead of getting stoned out of your face little brother (which hes like 25) you could have done your responsibility and done it earlier since you were off Sunday and Monday! My dad told me it wasn't my fault since it was his responsibility, not mine. Sometimes I just love my daddyo more then ever when he agrees with me, even though he is very stubborn.
We got home and my brother wasn't even ready, he was like 4 hours late to work. So I decided to make myself some eggs with cheese and make a fresh pot of coffee since I was feeling the sleep creeping up on me. So I had my coffee and my eggs ate on the way to work...the eggs were sooo GOOD, YUM! Got to work very chipper with fresh brewed (Bustello: Spanish Coffee) coffee in me. I was ready to start getting to work when I forgot that today was background check day. I was kind of leery about it because I don't really like background checks but what do I have to hide, nothing at all. So I did that and made my way to start working which was pretty boring but nevertheless, its work. I got off around 4 ish and made my way to this new program that the library was having called "Poetry n More". I was kind of shocked when I got there and noticed I was the oldest one there besides the librarian who was coordinating the club, jinkies!
So the program was abit boring and it was basically a hangout for teens (12-18) to enjoy themselves with games, singing, and poetry. I decided to walk up to this one girl who looked really bored and very anti-social. I wanted to see if I could get her to write me a poem or haiku. She told me that she stopped writing about 3 years ago. I asked her why and she didn't say. It kind of put a pain in my heart to hear someone say that but it also reminded me about one time where I didn't write for a whole year, only because I had forgot about it. So I asked her if she could and she said ok. She never did and started playing a couple of games with the other teens. Atleast I think I provoked her to get up and enjoy herself. Letting her know that she has been seen and that people know shes there. I felt mighty good about it.
Then this girl came in who did an improv dance to some rock music (she could have done better but I clapped anyhow). Then I decided to open my big mouth and say I was going to sing. I did an improv version of a song I thought up in my head which actually came out really awesome. Got a big applause from everyone and even had a couple of kids telling me I should try out for American Idol, which I previous did back in 08. Even the librarian lady that coordinates the clubs (shes a good friend of mine and I work with her) said she was impressed at my hidden talent and said she would like to see more of what I can do. Feeling good, oh hell yes.
I called my daddyo to come n pick em up from work and he said he would get here in 20 mins or so. So I decided to sit down at one of the library desks and get on the internet. About 15 mins on the computer someone gets really close to my ear and says," Wow, you smell good." I also yipped until I turned around and noticed it was my mom, sneaky sneaky. So we drove home and I brought some groceries they had bought and put them away. By that time I was SOO DAMN SLEEPY. My head hit the pillow at 6pm and I was out for the count. That about ends my day yesterday. What a very eventful day!
Cheers to a happy morning,
Your lil angel