The Devil Wears Wallmart
When I was about a year old he tried to suffocate me to death with a pillow. Thank god my dad got home in time or I would have been in the hospital. Afterward he has always terrorized me in physical ways and verbal. In truth, he has physically and mentally abused me since I was young. Either to the point where I am running down the street crying in my underwear trying to get away from him or my head going through a wall. Or him slapping me, punching me, and other things. Then the name calling and making me feel like I am dirt these are the things I have had to deal with. With him and how school was hell for me, you can see how I was just up for a breakdown which happened when I was 13 all thanks to hormones, yippee.
Anywho from the physical and mental attack from my brother ever since I was a wee lad. The beatings I got from my dad when I did something wrong (which I still think his method of punishment was wrong). I mean having to go to school and lie because my legs were bruised up is not a good sign but my father was old school, he felt the way to punish a kid was either a time out, or a beating with the belt. I think it did help in some way but I would never beat my kids (if I have them), it instills fear into them and that's not healthy for any kid. So here I am stuck with the asshole that is my brother. He doesn't understand why I resent him so much and why I don't like him or love him in any way. Truth of the matter is, if he died tomorrow I wouldn't cry a damn tear because hes used up too many of them already. My parents always told me that if they didn't see it they couldn't do anything about it. But when they did see it they just punished him and didn't really help me. Its probably the reason why I am so shy and somewhat anti-social (at times) because of my past. Then I told my parents about everything (again) and they cried saying they didn't know and that if they could take my pain away they would but I find this to be bs. Because I told them when it happened and they did nothing. Not all parents may be the best but atleast they try hard like mine did. Never the less, they already proved to me to be good parents and that's all I could ask for.
Now that he is moving back in because he couldn't keep his apartment I feel like my room will be the best place to stay. Go to college, get a degree, and leave this damn place I try to call home. I love my parents for teaching me right and I don't think I could ever hate them for what happened. But my brother is someone I will never love, never like, and always resent. Kinda funny when my mother said that we had to respect each other and had to get along if we wanted to live in her house. I told her flat out," Well, he doesn't deserve my respect or anything else so the best thing he can do is avoid me because im not taking any of his shit. I was scared when I was younger but my balls dropped long ago and now is a different story." My dad of course said I shouldn't talk to her that way but sometimes with my mother, you have to be blunt in order to get through with her. Shes abit thickheaded but I still love her.
Anywho my leg has been bothering me for the past 2 days and Ive been limping, don't know what the fuck that problem is. Can't wait to meet my new doctor on the 5th. Friend recommended him to me and said he was a no bullshit doctor. Just the type of man I need, blunt and to the point. Hurrah.
In anycase I think I came out to be an awesome person. And that's as much as I can say for myself. I may not have a paying job but I'm going somewhere. So here returns the devil (my brother)... and not in prada.
Later my little typers.